People use the title “writer” to describe anyone who habitually writes anything, either professionally or as a hobby. It is, however, a rather vague term as the purpose behind any particular writing can be vastly different. The title “writer” draws to mind images of a novelist, obsessing over their writing and disregarding everything else. This stereotype hardly describes every type of writer. Professional writers are a diverse group of people with a range of different professional intentions.
The most traditional professional writer is the independent one; a novelists, essayists, blogger or freelance writer. This type of writing requires entertainment, information and enlightenment value from the writer. This writer is fortunate enough to be their own boss and pursue the writing projects of their choice. It is considerably difficult to achieve this type of writing vocation. Only a small percentage of professional writers can claim true independence.
Academic or research writers are primarily scholars or scientists of some sort. Many are employed by educational institutions, labs, research centers or other organizations looking to conduct official studies. The communication of their findings in readable, official language is very important to the success of the research, which means that a professional level of writing is necessary.
Technical writers are recently in very high demand as there is often a separation between technically minded people and good writing skills. It is now very common for a person to receive an education in both writing and a technical vocation, equipping them to communicate the technical language in a way that is understandable to the layperson.
Marketing and press release writing is an area of writing that many people who study journalism and English gravitate towards. This type of writing requires the ability to generate interest in the subject matter, which is different from writing of the technical variety. Where technical writing is under no obligation to inspire the reader to keep reading, marketing and press release writing are supposed to be catchy and hook the reader.
News writing, or journalistic writing, is a well established profession and area of study. News writing involves finding stories, researching them, conducting interviews and organizing facts into a well written news piece to inform the public of current events. News writers are generally employed with a newspaper or similar editorial.